1973 Born in Mianyang, Sichuan Province
1995 Graduated from Sichuan Aba Normal College, Fine Arts Department
2007 MIO Retrospective Exhibition, Kyoto, Japan
2006 Lianzhou Photography Festival, Guangdong Province, China
2005 Chengdu Photographers Three Person Exhibition, International

Photography Festival, Pingyao, Shanxi Province, China
<Awards & Prizes>
2007 2007 Top 10 Documentary Award, WIPI Photography Institute (US)
2007 Special Jury Award at the Japan MIO International Young Photographers

2007 Honorable mention in World’s 100 Young Photographers, KLM Paul Huf

Award (Holland)
2006 Second Prize at the Japan MIO International Young Photographers

Competition, for work Going Home
2005 Highest award at the Japan MIO International Young Photographers

Competition, for work Public Buses & Chinese People
2000 Gold Award for Graphic Design at Sichuan Province Advertising Competition
1998 Second Prize at Samsung Computer Graphic Design competition